Quality Management Unit

The main task is to interface inbound and outbound with the University Quality Office in order to implement the quality policy defined by the University and supported by the Presidium in the reference structure.
Establishing itself as a Review Group (GRi) under the coordination and responsibility of the President of the course of study, the course UGQ annually draws up the Report on the review of the course of study which provides for verification and evaluation of the interventions aimed at managing the course 
of study (on an annual basis - Annual review) and to an in-depth verification and analysis of the objectives of the general system of the course of study (on a multi-year basis - Cyclical review) in compliance with the operational indications indicated in the documentation produced by the National Agency for evaluation of the university system;

Rules for the functioning of the Quality Management Units and the Review Groups

Teacher - Prof. Domenico Gentile (Coordinator)

Administrative and technical staff - Mr. Giuseppe D’Amato

Student Representative - Ms Melchiorre Ludovica