General Information: Class: L/SNT4 (D.M. 270 of 2004), Course type: Bachelor’s Degree, Duration: 3 years. The objectives of First cycle degree in Environment and workplace prevention techniques (Tecniche della Prevenzione nell’Ambiente e nei Luoghi di Lavoro, TPALL) are consistent with Dublin Descriptors. The main purpose of the degree programme in Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques is to train professionals who carry out prevention, assessment and control activities in the field of environmental hygiene and safety in living and working places, food and beverage hygiene, public and veterinary hygiene and health. Professional skills are acquired through theoretical and practical teaching activities and through learning the expendable behavioural skills indispensable for professional activities. For the integration and qualification of professional skills, particular importance is paid to the practical training (internship) under the supervision and guidance of professional tutors.
via G. Paolo II contrada “Tappino”,
Tel. 0874 404 716
Fax. 0874 404710