Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques

General Information: Class: L/SNT4 (D.M. 270 of 2004), Course type: Bachelor’s Degree, Duration: 3 years. The objectives of First cycle degree in Environment and workplace prevention techniques (Tecniche della Prevenzione nell’Ambiente e nei Luoghi di Lavoro, TPALL) are consistent with Dublin Descriptors. The main purpose of the degree programme in Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques is to train professionals who carry out prevention, assessment and control activities in the field of environmental hygiene and safety in living and working places, food and beverage hygiene, public and veterinary hygiene and health. Professional skills are acquired through theoretical and practical teaching activities and through learning the expendable behavioural skills indispensable for professional activities. For the integration and qualification of professional skills, particular importance is paid to the practical training (internship) under the supervision and guidance of professional tutors.

Course description
General Information: Class: L/SNT4 (D.M. 270 of 2004), Course type: Bachelor's Degree, Duration: 3 years. The objectives of First cycle degree in Environment and workplace prevention techniques (Tecniche della Prevenzione nell'Ambiente e nei Luoghi di Lavoro, TPALL) are consistent with Dublin Descriptors. The main purpose of the degree programme in Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques is to train professionals who carry out prevention, assessment and control activities in the field of environmental hygiene and safety in living and working places, food and beverage hygiene, public and veterinary hygiene and health. Professional skills are acquired through theoretical and practical teaching activities and through learning the expendable behavioural skills indispensable for professional activities. For the integration and qualification of professional skills, particular importance is paid to the practical training (internship) under the supervision and guidance of professional tutors.
Educational and professional goals
Graduates in TPALL will work with technical and professional autonomy in the fields of: prevention and control of hygiene and environmental safety in the places of life and work; food hygiene; public health. During the three-year course students must acquire and understand: the basics of prevention in the living environment and workplace; skills that enable them to conduct supervisory and inspection tasks in environment and workplace; methods for sampling; how to apply epidemiology methods with the aim to prevent and control illnesses linked to living and working environments; the causes and effects of chemical, physical and biological pollution and prevention strategies; the legal regulations governing environmental health and hygiene in living and working places; the methods used for preparing and notifying any irregularities found; how to conduct verifications and enquiries into work-related accidents and illnesses; how to conduct inspections; knowledge of radiation protection; the main professional illnesses and the relevant prevention measures; how to apply procedures for assessing risk and the validity of prevention programmes in force in living and working premises.
Career opportunities
At the end of the three-year programme, Prevention Techniques graduates will have acquired the knowledge and technical competencies to work professionally in public and private prevention services. Graduates will also possess the learning skills required to continue onto specialist studies. Graduates have the chance to choose from various employment opportunities. They can decide whether to carry out their professional activity as employees or self-employed practitioners, in public and private facilities, within the national health service, with all prevention, control and monitoring services provided for by current legislation.Indeed, these professionals are qualified to work as employees or freelance, both in the public sector (National Health Service structures such as Public Health Departments or Regional Agencies for Prevention and the Environment), with tasks including prevention, control and surveillance, and in the private sector as regards the organisation and management of safety in the workplace or of food (prevention and protection services for companies, the food industry).
Study Plan
President of the Course Prof . Guido Maria Grasso
Internationalization Delegate Prof . Silvio Garofalo
Where we are
  • via G. Paolo II contrada “Tappino”,
    86100 CAMPOBASSO
    Tel. 0874 404 716
    Fax. 0874 404710